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WordPress: How Many Plugins is Too Many?

Even if you’ve never touched code in your life, you likely know what WordPress is. The easy-to-use WordPress platform serves as the foundation of 35%...

wordpress: how many plugins is too many?

When Ad Targeting Goes Wrong

One side effect of our digital age is dealing with poorly targeted ads. You know what we mean—that moment when you’re scrolling through your phone or...

When ad targeting goes wrong

Kate's 5 Favorite Artists on Instagram

Graphic Designer Kate often finds inspiration on her Instagram feed.

5 Favorite countdown

Color Matters: Orange

By 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was nearly complete, stretching 4,200 feet across the wind-swept Golden Gate Strait to connect the city of San Francis...

Color Matters: Orange

The Power of Inclusive Design Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we defined inclusive design as the process to reach the goal of accessibility. Now, let’s take a closer look at exclusion: w...

what is exclusion?

Sarah's 5 Favorite Dessert Beers

Senior Designer Sarah likes her beer like she likes her design—creative, playful, and slightly unexpected. When we want a recommendation for our palat...


Best for This Worst for That: Facebook

Explore the pros and cons of an ever-growing list of Facebook features.

facebook best for this and worst for that

Micro-Campaign Delivers Results

When marketing objectives are broad and lofty, it can pay to start specific and small. That’s the micro-campaign concept. Instead of asking for large...

micro campaign

Branding: Beyond the Logo

While your logo is undisputedly the core of your brand’s identity, it isn’t the only thing that informs your brand’s visual personality. Explore devel...

branding: beyond the logo

How the California Consumer Privacy Act Affects You

Learn how a new California Internet law may have implications for your business

California Consumer Privacy Act